‘Tis the Season: IT Open House 2022
You’re invited to UBC IT Okanagan’s ‘Tis the Season Open House 2022.
Faculty and staff are invited to join us for coffee and treats on Thursday November 17 at the Constellation Pit Stop in the Sawchuk Family Theatre.
Upcoming Changes to UBCO Hot Desk Telephone Service
Do you have a UBCO Hot Desk telephone service? What you need to know about upcoming changes! On November 16th starting at 10 pm, UBCO IT Voice Services will be updating the campus Hot Desk telephone service and simplifying user access. Currently, Ho…
A one-year data retention schedule for Zoom and MS Teams video recordings is coming October 2023
This article was published on Mon, 10/17/2022 – 09:26
In October 2023, UBC will implement an automated one-year retention policy for video recordings. This data retention schedule will affect…
A one-year data retention schedule for Zoom and MS Teams video recordings is coming October 2023
This article was published on Mon, 10/17/2022 – 09:26
In October 2023, UBC will implement an automated one-year retention policy for video recordings. This data retention schedule will affect…
Lightboard studio hits milestone use case of livestreaming to 1000+ undergrad students
This article was published on Fri, 09/09/2022 – 16:25
Supporting UBC Professor Mark MacLean and Professor James Colliander, UBC Studios has started livestreaming two courses to more than 1000…
Lightboard studio hits milestone use case of livestreaming to 1000+ undergrad students
This article was published on Fri, 09/09/2022 – 16:25
Supporting UBC Professor Mark MacLean and Professor James Colliander, UBC Studios has started livestreaming two courses to more than 1000…
Planned interruption to multiple UBC Enterprise Services on July 30
This article was published on Thu, 07/28/2022 – 09:36
This message is to alert you to a planned interruption to multiple UBC Enterprise Services on July 30 from 10:00am to 5:00pm PT.
Planned interruption to multiple UBC Enterprise Services on July 30
This article was published on Thu, 07/28/2022 – 09:36
This message is to alert you to a planned interruption to multiple UBC Enterprise Services on July 30 from 10:00am to 5:00pm PT.
Change to the way names are displayed in Canvas and other services coming July 27
This article was published on Wed, 07/06/2022 – 15:22
The UBC Learning Technology Hub (LT Hub) team is simplifying and streamlining how learning technology systems at UBC determine what name…