Temp Staff and UBC FASmail
Notice: UBC Email Access for Grad Students/Research Assistants
Dear UBC Researchers,
We want to inform the UBC Okanagan Research Community regarding UBC FASmail access for research assistants who are term employees. Upon the end of their term employments, an automatic HR process is triggered which removes access to their UBC FASmail accounts (firstname.lastname@ubc.ca -or- CWLusername@mail.ubc.ca) .
This could cause issues with access to research project data where these email accounts have been relied upon for communication and/or data sharing related to that project.
UBC FASmail should only be used when employees are actively working and should not be used for academic purposes during or after student/research assistant appointments have ended. It is also not recommended that the FASmail accounts be used to send/receive data that will be required beyond the research assistants employment term. To address this, there are known alternative solutions tailored to different use cases – generic FASmail accounts (persistent) are a good example, e.g. research.project7@ubc.ca
UBC IT/Research Computing is unable to assist with extending access to Faculty & Staff services post appointment, though we can make recommendations on best practices.
Please review UBC’s policies, guidelines, and best practices for employees who may need to save research documentation onto a shared network before their appointment ends.
If you anticipate being affected by this, or have concerns about FASmail access and research data management, please reach out to Research Computing via this form. We are here to help facilitate and minimize any disruptions to your research activities.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
Research Computing
The University of British Columbia | Okanagan Campus | Syilx Okanagan Nation Territory
1138 Alumni Avenue | Kelowna British Columbia | V1V1V7 Canada